Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Coffee Body Scrub

Oh how Wonderfully Yummy is this :)

I have tried a few different kinds of Coffee Scrubs and they are all good but I wanted something amazing, something that I could not only tell the difference in my skin but that my scenes had their own WOW factor :)

Here it is
  • 1 1/4 cup ground coffee
  • 1 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup grapeseed oil
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 8 Drops Fennel Essential Oil 
Using a big bowl, mix it all together - I really Enjoyed that part :)
Apply to moist skin using a circular motion - That refreshing reinvigorating feeling :)
Your body is going to love you for that!!! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Winter Chapstick

With winter time around the corner it is time to think of ways to protect your lips

We have a friend who has some great bees, some Busy Little Bees :)
+Clay Harper  he is harvesting some of the most beautiful honey I have seen in a long time
When I saw the last batch I had to order some :) Order here

We call the UPS truck Santa's Year Round Big Brown Elf :)
It showed up today and in it was some of the most amazing tasting honey I have ever had, interesting point I think I should make - I don't like honey, I never have, I love how it looks but never how it tastes till today!!!  WOW!!!  So yummy, I now understand the fuss.  I honestly just ordered it to have on my kitchen counter I had the perfect place for it and it matches the decor, I will be using this a LOT instead :) !!!

I went to Pinterest to find some recipes - I found one for  Honey Orange Lip Balm
Loved the idea, just put a twist to it :)

You will need
3 Teaspoons of Bees Wax
2 Teaspoons Honey
2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
10 Drops Orange Essential Oil
10 Drops Thieves Essential Oil

You need to melt the first 3 ingredients together - I used the glass bowl shown in the picture
I put it in the middle of a pan - the pan was filled half way up with water
The glass bowl was in the center of the pan and heated the pan, while constantly stirring the contents of the bowl till it was completely melted
(As a side note - I used a micro-plane to grate up the bees wax, it melts faster)

Once it was all melted, I took it off the heat added the essential oils and stirred again
Then Pour into chapstick containers - I only had one chapstick container and poured the rest into a small container (perfect for around the house)

This is the most fabulous chapsitck I have ever made, and perfect for protecting my lips this winter :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Traveling Buddy

I have had to "jump" on a plane quite a few times lately
Honestly I have never flown this much before in my life :)

All I could think about before I got on that first flight is
I am going to be stuck in a small confined space with a ton of people at could be sick and not know it, or know it and not care that they could spread what ever it is they have.

So I knew what I had to do - Protect myself!
I got out one of my favorite scarves, put a few drops (2 to be exact) of
Purification on it, wrapped it around my neck and looked Fabulous while staying safe.

Let me tell you on every plane there was at Least 4 people either sneezing, or coughing

And as for me, I Still Feel Great, not one sniffle!!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


 Here is the last of the New Food Items that were released at convention
Einhorn Spaghetti 

The box says this serves 4
Not really sure how I felt about that - it did not seem like there was much in there
The picture is of Half of the cooked pasta
The bowl is on the smaller side and you can see it looks like the perfect amount for a serving
LET ME Tell you
I could not eat it all, it is SO FILLING!!!
My husband had the same amount and did eat it all and said it was the first time he felt so full on one bowl of spaghetti :) 
(though I think it still is more like a 3 serving box at most)

Again I felt full but did not have that heavy "sick" feeling
It tastes amazing!!!

I used garlic oil in the water to boiling and a pinch of salt
I did not need to add pasta sauce, but my husband is a traditionalist and said it is not spaghetti if it does not have sauce :)  


This post is about a Young Living Product - Just released at Convention
Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix

I was able to get a taste of the pancakes when I tried the Syrup

It had such an amazing taste and different from the cheap pancake mix I normally use
I had to have some :)

When I got it I saw the coolest thing on the side, a recipe for CREPES!!!!
Yep that is what I was making First!!!!!

So Saturday morning, guess what I made ;)

The only deviation for the recipe was that I added 1/4 cup of club soda
You do not have to they will be fantastic either way
The reason I added the club soda was to thin it out just a bit - I have had crepes made by a European for years and they are so thin and so yummy, I wanted to stay with a thinner crepe

As I said the recipe for crepes is on the side of the box and super easy to follow
As I finished each crepe I would put stack them on a plate, they stay warm and wonderful :)

For the fillings I had a verity
Chocolate Spread
Fresh Strawberries with a hint of sugar
Carmel Apple pieces
And a unique but so yummy filling
Cottage cheese with vanilla and sugar

I did not do a good job with the whip cream looking pretty in this picture
But it was my plate and I just wanted to dive in!
The plate I made for my husband was much prettier :)

These were absolutely wonderful, they are so good and had such a great flavor

My husband and I talked about how light they were but still so filling.
We feel full, and so good, and light (I know that might sound odd)
We felt ready to take on the day :) 
Such a great way to start a busy weekend

YEP  I will be making these again and often!!!!

As a side note :)
When I use vanilla - I only use Vanilla Bean Paste - you can find it in most grocery stores
The reason for the Vanilla Bean Paste is the flavor is nothing that a artificial flavoring can touch and the tinny beans in it add an even heightened flavor 
(you will see it in the far corner of the picture with all the ingredients - I figured if it got in the picture I should talk about it as well)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Diffuse with Style Another Way :)

Palm Palms
This is a great way to wear your oil, but this way allows you to blend then much easier, and with a bit of fun thrown in :)

Lets start with an easy way to work with Palm Palms
Just drop a drop of your favorite scent on one and put it in a Locket
(found this bird cage - Can it be more perfect - I did have to cut a few "bars" off the back)
You are good to go!!!

BUT if you would like to have a little Fun or Need to have a few scents with you this is a great way to do it!

Before I go further - If you do not have to say if you do not have a good Reference Guide please go find one, they are fantastic to refer to and make life so much easier!  
Being new to Young Living oils, I honestly have 3 - the one I use the most Is the -
2013 Edition of  The Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley
Page 22 of this guide talks specificly about the - Art of Blending
When using more then one oil at a time - It is all about Training and Experimentation
(I am all about experimenting - For me it has been the best way to learn and really understand what I was reading)

When Experimenting - Which is what I will be talking about the most, since it is what I do :)
Things to look for in an oil - is
How strong is the scent - how much will it over power another oil
Does the Oil enhance another (again Reference books are great at finding compatible oils)
What is the oil used for, and will that complement what you are trying to use it for
Do you need to add another oil to balance the ones you really want to use

That being said - I love Experimenting!!! Sometimes it is just all about what I want and I really don't think about all the things I am suppose to, and other times I disagree with what they say is good together and do things my own way anyway ;)

Here is today's "recipe"
Today - I am all about Citrus :)
I did  few palm palms each with a different Citrus Oil
Put them all in my Cage and Smiled all day :)
There are
1 with Grapefruit
2 with Citrus Fresh

It is all about you, what you like and what you need! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Difuse with Style

Today - a great way to carry a scent with you while looking fabulous
Using a locket on a necklace :)

I found this locket on sale at +Michaels Stores  plus I had a coupon :)
You can find lockets like these at Craft Stores or Bead Stores - They are priced very reasonably and you can find one that is your style. You can find a lot of these types of locket diffusers for sale on line - places like Esty - But they cost so much more for the exact same thing, plus shipping.
I am an instant gratification kind of girl if I want something I hate waiting for it.

I bought some felt and cut it into circles
Thoughts about using felt - it is a great product to use for essential oil
Just keep in mind a lot of oils are not clear - some have a color to them and will discolor the felt
I stay with darker colors, Dark Blues, Browns and Black is what I tend to see have the lest about of discoloration issues.

The felt squares are extremely inexpensive and you can cut out a lot of diffusing "patches"
Because of that if I wanted to change scents I would just toss the patch I was currently using and add oils to the new one, another idea is to get a few different colors of felt and have a color for each scent.

So simple anyone can do this :)

Cut the felt to the correct size
Put a drop or 2 of the Essential Oil you would like to use on to the felt

Put the felt into the locket
Close the locket ;)

Wear and enjoy :)

When the sent evaporates - you can add a drop or two more to refresh the scent
Or just put in a new patch and a new scent :)  

Recently I have been obsessed with Fennel - I love the Aromatic Influence it provides
"It influences and increases Longevity, Courage, and Purification. It Stimulates sympathetic nervous system activity"  Quoted from Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Defuse with (Re)Purpose :)

Well on top of Using Essential Oils - and Loving every minute of it
I also LOVE Re-purposing things - I love looking at things that people see as garbage and seeing so many other uses for it :)

While my husband was in Tech School he needed the Occupational Patch sewn onto his uniform. I took it to the place on the base that does all the alterations and while there I saw they had a box of rank patches for free. I went home that day and could not stop thinking about them and other ways to use them besides as a patch on a uniform. That night I could not turn my mind off. I went back the next day to ask if I could have a few - a few minutes later they gave me a HUGE bag full of all different patches, every different rank and branches.  

As I have told you all a few of times I have horrible migraines. 
Something that I have found that works, when the pain in mostly in my temples is a Hot/Cold "rice" pack  the only issues I have with the ones sold in stores or made by friends, are they are square and don't get to the temple part of my head very well, that little "divot" where your temple is, to me I feel better when there is a bit of pressure on it, then I find that when I add Peppermint to the "bag" BONUS!!!

With some of the patches I received I made my own Hot/Cold pack - they are So Very Perfect, when you fill them the center/middle is the area that you fill the most, and because of that it sticks out a bit more fitting the temple area perfectly :)

I have also found that if you fill them with cracked corn it smell is much better
(the smell of rice gets to me after a bit, even when adding essential oils, I have found that the cracked corn does a better job all the way around)

The patches I used was Tech Sergent Rank - Blues Uniform Patch
I poured the cracked corn into a small plastic container and added a few drops of Peppermint Essential Oil - I placed the lid back on top and shook it up :)
I sewed two patches together along the Blue out line, and left a small opening in the side to fill with the cracked corn  that had the essential oil soaked in, into the patches, once full I sewed it closed and

TA DA - My Perfect Hot/Cold Pack

When I want it a bit warmer, I put in in the microwave for 30 seconds
When I want it a bit colder, I put it in the freezer for about an hour

Honestly I use it the most at room temp, between the Scent and the Pressure being perfect on my temple I normally don't have to do a thing, but when I do need a bit more, I normally get it hotter :)

When you feel you new need to refresh the scent there are a few ways to do it, you can
Place a few drops in the center of each side of the patch
Place a few drops along the edge of the patch (where you sewed them together)
It you have a dropper or "syringe" I push it through a stitched area and push the oil into the center the best you can (syringe shown in picture)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Migraine Relief Roll On

I am really loving roll ons :)
I am so glad that I was able to get the rollers that go on top of the bottles
I love using them, it makes it so simple when mixing oils :)

I use the 5oz bottles the most they hold around 100 drops of oil and I prefer to use oils neat when I use them straight onto my body instead of dropping the oils on to my hand and rubbing them on - this saves a few steps ;)

I have noticed that when I have some of my migraines, that the muscles in my neck and shoulders seem to tighten up, and even when I would get my migraine pain under control, down my neck and shoulders seemed to still hurt.

I decided to try a concoction :)

40 drops Wintergreen
30 drops Peppermint
30 drops M-Grain 

It is a Hot Roll On and you might need to cut back on each oil by 10 drops and add a carrier oil - you just need to find what works for yoh
I will be honest I love the heat it feels so cool and refreshing after.

I use this roll on - on my Neck, Shoulders, my Temples and my Forehead - Some times I do all the areas at the same time some I just do one or two areas, it just depends on my Migraine, where the pain is and how much pain I am in.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Muscle Pain Relief Roll On

Okay I am see a trend already for this weeks posts ;)

I recently asked my friends to let me know what things they would like me post about, turns out there were quite a few people wanted to know what I use for Muscle Pain Relief :)

It is something my husband complains a lot about, as I have talked about in previous posts, he is in the Air Force and works out a lot! I use him as a Ginny Pig for the Muscle Relief Posts :)

This one not only have I used on Myself, him and a friend of mine - It is LOVED by all :)

This is an Extremely Hot roll on if you do not dilute it!

For this I used a Large Roll On - Bonus to this size roll on it gives you a bit of a massage while you are applying it :)

The Oils I used are
40 Drops Wintergreen
30 Drops Peppermint
30 Drops PanAway
20 Drops Aroma Seiz

Fill the rest of the Bottle with a Carrier Oil - I used Grapeseed

Shake well and enjoy

When you use this - it is hot when you roll it on and starts Cooling not long after :)

Friday, July 11, 2014

After Shave - Who Does not like a smooth shave

Today is Part 3 of this 3 part Series

We started Monday with Pre-Shave Oil
Wednesday I posted about Shaving Cream

Today - After Shave!!!!

This one is the EASIEST of them all :)

2oz Which Hazel
10 Drops Vitamin E
 5 Drops Valor

Pour/drop into Bottle - Shake up and Enjoy

These would make a great Gift, for that special guy in your life
(Yes I know - Sorry it was so long after Father's day)

Or Spoil yourself - Women can use these as well - If it is that the scents are not "girly" Enough change the oils you add to them.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Shaving Cream - Who does not like a smooth shave???

Step One - Per Shave Oil

Step Two - Today's Post Shaving Cream

I found a great blog post and honestly pretty much copied what she did with a few minor twists :)
Shaving Cream


- See more at:


- See more at:


- See more at:

I Did a Half Batch
The Ingredients

2 Tbsp Shea Butter
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil (I use 1/2 more than her's - just feels a bit smoother)
1 Tbsp Avocado Oil
1 Tbsp Grapeseed Oil
10 Drops Lavender

I used the microwave and melted the Shea Butter and Coconut Oil (45 Secs) then added the Avocado Oil and the Grapseed oil - stirred it together and put it in the refrigerator to set

Once it has cooled / set up not completely hard use an electric mixer and start whipping it up
I added

5 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
5 Drops Lemongrass Essential Oil

Whip the oils in

This Cream is not the "consistency" of Shaving Cream - It is great to apply with a Shaving Brush :)

I enjoy!!


- See more at:


- See more at:

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pre Shave Oil - Who Does Not Like a Smooth Shave??

I have a friend who was looking for an all natural alternatives to her husband's shaving regiment

Today we are going to talk about PreShave

You put this on before the shaving cream. The purpose is to provide an extra layer of protection and help the razor glide smoothly over the skin.

I used Grapeseed Oil Seed as my carrier oil for my Recipe because

It offers regenerative and restructuring characteristics that offer quality skin moisturizing.

I also added a few extra drops of Orange, I wanted to have the same amount of Lavender and Orange, Honestly because of the scent, this was more pleasing to my husband and I

Here is my Recipe
2oz Grapeseed Oil
20 Drops Vitamin E Oil
10 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 Drops Orange Essential Oil

Use a dropper full and rub on the beard and neck area -
Again remember this is great as an extra helper before your shave cream, and who does not like a smooth shave :)

Wednesday's Post - Shaving Cream
Friday's Post - After Shave

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Yummy way to use a New Syrup :)

 I know that most of the posts are Brand Neutral (Minus the picture)

Today's Post is about a Young Living Product
A new one they just Released at Convention 

Gary’s True Grit Ningxia Berry Syrup

I was able to sample this at Convention, and yes it tasted great with the pancakes, but all I kept thinking was of so many other ways to enjoy it. Don't get me wrong I LOVE pancakes, but the flavor of this syrup was/is just extrodinary. 

It has a Rich, Sweet, Unique, Berry Flavor, like nothing I have tasted before, and I did not want to Just use it on pancake.

My first thoughts revolved around drinks, and each one I made was even better than I thought it would be, I had no doubt it would be good, great even, these drinks blew my mind - A Blessing for my taste buds, exciting happy new Drinks!!!!

Drink one I did in the Morning
To my glass of milk I added 2 Tablespoons of the Syrup
Think Nestle Quick - Just a Beautiful Light Purple, instead of Bright Pink, and a more Sophisticated Taste. So Good, so Unique such a Great way to start the day!! :)

The Second I did that evening
To a glass of 7Up I added a tablespoon of the Syrup
There is noting to compare this to, it is the most refreshing, most amazing explosion of Happiness a mouth could have. There are a few words that I could use to try to describe this drink, it is tantalizing, delectable, scrumptious, heavenly, I could go on and on, but although these are great words, they just do not do justice to this drink.

I hope you are able to have the chance to enjoy these drinks!

If not I hope more than that, that this helps you open your mind to the possibilities of what things could be, not just what people think it is suppose to be.

The First Drink - Morning Happiness
The Second Drink - Pure Bliss

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My Relax and Be Happy Roll On :)

These past few weeks have been nuts, to put it lightly (Sorry for the lack of posts)

One of my sons had to have brain surgery - the same one I had but, more of a preemptive strike then life saving, he is doing amazing now you could never tell he had surgery (minus the thin scar on the back of his head)

When I found out (he lives with his dad - he would have been in 3 different High Schools if he had stayed with us - due to our moving around with the military - 3 locations in 3 years) I started doing research on what could help with is recovery - It turns out he did not need any help - with in days he was back to normal, just with out headaches :)

While researching how to help him, I also researched things to help me as well
I know it might sound horrible, but I knew, I would need help coping with the entire situation - I was staying with my Ex Husband and his Wife - We had a rocky relationship and I was worried how it would be with us all under one roof.  

After learning more and more about oils to help
I came up with this concoction :)

(I used one of my empty oil bottles that I had cleaned out - How to clean out your bottles)

I used
40 drops of Stress Away
30 Drops of Ylang Ylang
20 Drops of Valerian
10 Drops of Vetiver (this is a VERY thick oil it takes a bit to get the drops out)

I put a AromaGlide Roller Fitment on top

Shook it all up and rolled it on the bottom of my feet :) 

Not only did it help keep me calm the whole time - It helped me stay relaxed in the hospital,
And keep a happy outlook on everything :)  Bonus - I had some really good dreams!!!

I think it is what helped his wife and I become friends :)     (Shocking I know)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Greatest DEEP Tissue Massage Oil!

I have told you a bit about me on the About Me Page

I am so lucky I have a wonderful, amazing Masseuse - I tell her all the time she has healing hands
I could be having a horrible, week, having an extremely difficult time walking and she will come and fix me!!  I always feel so much better after she works on me!!

I had read a lot about different massage oils, and was researching which one I would want to try, with all that research non really excited me. So I started to research making my own. :)

Once I made it I was so excited to have her try it out, and I could not wait to see how it would feel and if it would really make a difference.  She already does such great work with what she was using
(a basic massage lotion)

When I gave it to her, I explained if she did not like it or did not want to try it I understood - I am new at Essential Oils and when she works on me she does extremely deep work - We agreed that if ether one of us did not want to keep using it we would be good.

IT WAS..... There really is not a word that could truly describe how amazingly fantastic it was!!!

It was so smooth, and it gave you that warm feeling when she massaged it on and that cool feeling in the mussels that followed.  I felt better then ever when she was done,  I even feel asleep on the table - That has never happened before!!!

She was so happy with the oil and loved the scent, how smooth, it was and how it felt on her hands!!!

The picture is of what I used - I gave the bottle to her and a Thank you :)

I use an 8oz Lotion Bottle with a pump (no Shown)
2/3 Grapeseed Oil
1/3 Sweet Almond Oil
30 Drops Wintergreen
20 Drops PanAway
15 Drops Aroma Siez
10 Drops Peppermint

I am more than thrilled with the results - My Muscles still feel super AMAZING!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Artichoke Dip W/ Lemon Essential Oil

 I LOVE Artichokes!!!! 

I found some amazing looking Artichokes at the grocery store and I had to have them
It is so sad it is a seasonal item :(

I have seen a ton of different dips out there

I am all about using Butter, Garlic and Lemon!!!
I use to use that squeeze lemon juice (you know the one I am talking about it looks like a lemon)
The taste of Lemon Juice and Lemon Oil are so different I thought I would try it with the oil

I will give you my recipe but I think with food it is important to make it your own :)

I use a stick of Butter (Real Butter - none of that horrible fake stuff)
2 Tsp Garlic Powder - or 2 Gloves of Garlic (I prefer the cloves but was all out)
4 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil - (ONLY USE Therapeutic Grade!)

Melt the Butter add the Garlic and Lemon Essential Oil
Mix and let sit (Letting it sit for a few minutes helps all the flavors blend)


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Peppermint Soap! LOVE THIS!!!!!

This is my first time trying to grow anything - One thing I am trying is Mint :)
I have a planter box with Sweet Mint, Speariment, and Chocolate Mint (seriously - it smells like mint chocolate ice cream)

Monday I posted about making the easiest Soap Ever - And it really is :)

I have been thinking about all the different kinds of soap I could make, and my mind kept wandering back to my mint box, and the idea of a refreshing / invigorating soap, one that makes me happy and feel amazing - Mint Soap :) :) :)

I plucked 10 leaves of mint off my Sweet Mint Plant and use a micro plane to "grate up" the mint
I rolled the mint tight and grated it, it turned out to be the perfect size for what I was thinking :)

I melted 3 cubes from the soap block I got with my kit

I added 6 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil - I wanted it Strong :)
I added the Mint shavings and oil to the melted soap and stirred it up
Pour in Mold

Let it dry, unmold and Enjoy :)

Love this Soap - It is amazing and feels like no other soap I have ever used - It makes me so happy and smile when I use it!!! :) :)

** Side note this might be amazing if you used a clear glycerin base as well, it would be so cool to be able to see all the little mint pieces "floating" around and the whole leaf in the bar!!! 

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Easiest Soap DIY :)

I love making my own things from scratch - Sometime that is just not easy or honestly freaks me out - I worry about working with Lye so when I saw this kit in +Michaels Stores I was intrigued
I had a great coupon so I thought I would try it out :)

Love it - The soap is amazing - This kit came with a white base, but there are quite a few verities to choose from :)

So easy to use - It comes with a HUGE Brick - I cut off 6 blocks and made 2 square and a thin rectangle

I microwaved the blocks for 30 seconds, they were perfectly melted when I took them out
I added 10 drops of Citrus Fresh and stirred until the oil was fully mixed in
I poured it into the cavities and let it sit till they were cooled.

I am thrilled with the way they turned out :)
I will be making all my soap this way from now on - I have a few ideas I want to try and will post them if they turn out well :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My Pain Be GONE Capsules!!!

I am going to start this post with my Disclaimer:
Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using these products.
Today's post is a bit different - thou, the last few really have been as well.

If you have ever read the about me page, you would know my day consists of Pain, and a LOT of it!!   I have been on every pain med known to man, and yes they do help, but the side effects, and the rebound headache on top of the damage it does to a person's body, I really don't like using them unless I REALLY NEED to. 

I was told about a combination of oils he adds to a capsule that helps with pain.   I have to be honest I was extremely leary of it, but he has never steered me wrong so I ordered the other oils I needed to make it. 

I am going to add in another huge ONLY USE THERAPEUTIC GRADE ESSENTIAL OILS - That are safe for ingestion!!!!!

To make this you need:

A Vegetable Capsule - Mine are 00
5 Drops Frankincense

5 Drops Balsam Fir
5 Drops Copaiba

Take one every few hours till the pain is gone - For me right now it only takes one for it to start helping!  

I am not sure how well it will work for you or even if it will, but for me, it is nice to have something else to help with the pain.

I will say it has an odd after taste and you are going to want to drink a lot of water when you take it! :) 

A little about Copiba Link to Young Living's Info about it 

Copiba Helps with Pain
Balsam Fir Helps with Muscle and Bone Pain
Frankincense is a great anti-inflammatory
Together the help my Pain Be Gone!!!!  


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mother's Day Gifts

I am one of the Key Spouses for my husband's squadron, the other is one of the nicest most helpful people I know.

The Key Spouse Program is to help other spouses, we are here for them, being a support system for them while their Husband/Wife is deployed, helping them with sources if they need something, or just be a listening ear for them.

At this moment we have 2 wives with deployed spouses

We thought is would be nice to make a gift for them for mother's day

We made pampering baskets :)    The stress of being away from a loved one, to only have a short time to talk to them daily (if you are lucky enough to even get a daily call) to have to deal with not only your daily life but odd things that can pop up with the military, as minor as them needing a copy of something AGAIN to oooh the possibilities are endless (TRUST ME)
It is kinda like you are a single parent during this time, I have been a single parent and with speaking to some people who have or have had a deployed spouse it is the closest thing I can think of how to describe it. 

We wanted to make a gift of relaxation and pampering for them

We made
Lavender Bath Salts
Stress Away Bath Tea Bags
Peppermint Body Mist
Grapefruit Lip Scrub
Lemon Lip Balm

Put it all into a basket and will be delivering tomorrow :)

I love giving Gifts!!  Something to let them know I am thinking about them, and here for them! 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

How to clean out your Essential Oil Bottels

I am all about reusing things, and these are great bottles!
I love roller bottles - as you have seen, and these are the perfect size for carrying around with you.

I wanted to not only "clean" them out, but I wanted to remove all hint of the previous oil from the bottle

One of the best things I have found to "pull out" the oil is Epsom salt :)
So I made a "cleaning" box and but in the bottles to sit for 2 hours

Next - time for a "bath" and another great way to use Vodka
Make sure the Vodka Covers the bottles / I also added the caps to this bath
This will get out any remaining oils and help remove the labels
I had them soak for 1 hour

It seems like a long process, and some people say that they just use Vodka, I am more of a safe then sorry kind of person thus why I do both :)

I have to admit I am so excited about my clean bottles
There are so many oils I have been wanting to mix and try out :)

-- I would like to side note something - If you sell Essential Oils - Hold On to your "empty" bottles, they still have a few drops left in them and would be great to use for a display, that way if people want to smell them they can, and you don't have to worry about losing any of your new/fuller bottles

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Breath Spray

I LOVE making all my pampering goodies.
I LOVE knowing everything that is in them
I LOVE goodies that are easy to make
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how much money I save :)

My first post was about a really cool item -  Invisible Gun
I adore this stuff and it is always in my purse - I use it often :)

I have used Breath Spray for years before I found Invisible Gum

I have been searching for a spray that I could make that fit my loves
I have to LOVE everything I use and post about
Believe it or not I make a LOT more than what I post about, a lot of things just are not "good" enough to keep using, and unworthy of sharing ;)

I found a few recipes for Breath Spray
Here is a link to the one I liked the most (with a tweak) Breath Spray

The recipe is
1/4 Cup Warm Water (I used Distilled - from the Hot Side of the Water Dispenser)
1/4 Tsp Honey (I used Local Honey - Bonus if you have allergies)
6 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
 (She calls for 10 drops - Using Young Living Essential Oil it seems to be WAY TO MUCH, unless you do not want to lose your taste buds for a few hours - I would say use as many as you think appropriate, 6 was perfect for me and still has a bit of a "bite") 

--- Again I am going to put my -- ONLY USE THERAPEUTIC GRADE ESSENTIAL OIL

Stir the Honey into the Warm Water until it has dissolved add Essential Oil - Stir 
Pour into your bottle - It Filled a 2oz and a Mini I had laying around (about 1/2oz)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Peppermint Lip Balm

Okay I feel that there might just be a theme for this weeks post coming :)
All about Lips :)

I found a great - easy - fun way to make Lip Balm

Love my lips and finding ways to pamper them

I have so many recipes for Lip Balm but I thought today I would share this one

Nice and Simple
How I made it
1 Tablespoon Beeswax
2 Tablespoons Grape Seed Oil
4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

Melt the Beeswax and Grape Seed oil together, once a bit cooled add Essential oil
Stir together and pour into your container
Once cooled - ENJOY!!!!

 You could use a ton of Different Essential Oils for this - I used Peppermint for the cool refreshing   feeling it gives - it is a fun bit of tingle that makes me smile :)

You could also use a different oil - I used Grape Seed, for the sheen, and light weight

This recipe is easy, fun to make - Bonus way easy to modify and make your own :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lip Scrub

I love my lips, they are my favorite facial feature, and I LOVE Pampering them!!

One of my favorite things to do for them is a lip scrub
Bonus - This one is tasty :)

I have been making lip scrubs for years

Most times I use Grapeseed oil or Almond Oil

But, a few weeks ago I bought Liquid Coconut Oil and decided to make a lip scrub from it

I have been making some ceramic pieces for the Pampering Goodies I make
(My husband says I am a bit OCD about having things match - Thus the need to make these pieces)

My recipe

2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar (You can use any granulated sugar)
1 Tablespoon Liquid Coconut Oil (again use a carrier oil you like)
2 Drops Lemon Essential Oil
          (honestly the reason why I added Lemon oil was for the taste, Bonus it is a FANTASTIC Antioxidant)

Lip Scrubs are wonderful for keeping your lips happy and healthy, I also use it when my lips feel like they are getting chapped

Friday, April 25, 2014

Eyelash Helper

I love learning about how much essential oils can help with so many things!
Sometimes it makes me just smile to myself thinking about all the money I have saved!

Bonus, I know everything I am using, no weird ingredients in my pampering goodies

I love me eyes!!! I do not wear any makeup, so skin care is very important to me

I was looking for something to enhance my eyelashes

I saw a few pages for recipes for an eyelash wand

After research I decided on This

1 Drop Lavender
1 Drop Lemon
Fill the rest with Coconut Oil (Liquid)

MAKE SURE YOU ONLY PUT 1 Drop of Each - Otherwise it might bother your eyes!!!

Roll on the bottom part of your lid - close to your lashes - Use Once a day
I started seeing results the end of the 2nd week -  My lashes are a bit thicker and starting to grow longer :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lemon Lime Oh So Yummy Drink

Sorry I had to take a break there - But I am BACK :)

I LOVE Lemonade!!!!! 
I was looking for a way to do a bit of a twist

I have seen a few ways to make a Lemon Limeade using  Lemon and Lime essential oils, as well as some other ingredients (those ones I did not have in my house and were on the more expensive side)

In the Frozen food Isle I saw that Minute Maid Lemonade was on sale - I snatched up a few :)

Today, I received my Essential Oil order from Young Living and in it - Lime :)

So I decided to experiment with making my own Lemon Limeade :)

I made the lemonade as instructed and dropped the Lime Oil in a drop at a time till it was perfect :)

For me - 10 drops of Lime was perfect!!

Oh my heaven this is so good, I don't ever think I could drink regular lemonade again :)


Friday, April 11, 2014

DIY Mouthwash with Vodka

I do not drink, I use to, it has been quite some time, 20+ years
I just stopped when I changed religions - Thou my drink of choice was Kaluha :)

Most mouthwash has alcohol in it, I can see it being a way to kill off bacteria

I have been wanting to make my own mouthwash

I researched different recipes - Some of the ones that used Vodka had WAY TO MUCH in it 
Not sure if it would be legal to drive, and pretty sure my headache would get worse
I am thinking some of these people called it mouthwash to make a way to be able to explain away the smell on their breath ;)

So after even more research here is my Recipe

6oz of Distilled Water
1TSP Baking Soda
1 Packet of Stevia
1TSP Vodka
5 Drops Spearmint Essential Oil

I used HOT water and added in the Baking Soda and Stevia, stir till it is all devolved
I put it in the refrigerator till it has cooled down --- DO NOT ADD ESSENTIAL OIL TO IT HOT!!!
Once cooled add the Essential oil and Vodka - Pour into Bottle
Shake till it is all mixed

Don't get me wrong it has a odd taste - mostly from the Baking Soda
 - But my mouth feels very very clean!! - 

You only need a small amount, the most important part of using any mouthwash is to swish it around in your mouth really well.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

DIY - Aromatherapy Inhaler

I found these at a local natural grocery store +Harvest Moon Health Foods

When I saw them all I could do was smile - I knew exactly what Oils I wanted to use :)

I have to say Again this is one of the easiest projects :)

The bottom of these pop off
Inside is the cotton

I took the cotton out and added the oils directly to it

The inhalers I made, I only used a single individual oil
If you are using more than one oil per inhaler - I suggest you use a small bowl and premix your oils then soak the cotton.

These can last from 3 to 6 months (the shelf life is 1 year) if you leave it uncapped, out in the sun, heat or in direct light you could notice a reduction in potency.

There are a few ways to use these
Uncap and with one finger and to plug on nostril, then hold it up to the other nostril
- repeat with the other side.
Uncap and wave in front of your nose

RECAP as soon as you are done!!

These are great for on the run!
I have one with Peppermint on the side of my bed. It is fantastic for when I feel my Headache getting worse and my hands are to shaky to use oils straight from the bottle.

I made 3 different ones - Each has a very specific purpose :)
Peppermint - For my headaches
Citrus Bliss - For a Pick Me Up
Stress Away - For when I am Stressing out or just feel overwhelmed

Some other Ideas
Purification - For someone who Travels
RC - for Allergies
Peace and Calming - For Stress
Lavender - For Stress
Valor - For Anxiety

I used 3 drops per inhaler

Once the potency is not where you would like it to be or after 1 year replace the cotton
And make a new one :)
Most places that sell the inhalers also sell the cotton separately (shown laying down in front)

As I stated earlier I do have a Peppermint on my bedside table
But I keep all of these in my purse - It makes them easy to find and perfect for when I am away from home and away from my Bottles of Oils.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

DIY Room Freshener

I have been having so much fun making all these goodies, and researching different things to make

My Favorite thing in life is when people say how good my home feels, how comfy it is :)

One of the things I do is always have some sort of room freshener going
From Candles, Warmers (Scentsy), Reeds, Solid Room Fresheners to Room Sprays

Well I LOVE Room Sprays, and started looking at how much I spend on them
Yea, never going to spend that much ever again!!!

I looked to, of course Pinterest first and my boards (I had quite a few pinned)
Most of the ones I had pinned consisted of a large amount of water
That did not work for me, I wanted something that would bind better to the Essential Oils and when I sprayed it I did not want "water" left to dry

So the research/search continued

I learned that Alcohol Dries FAST and that it is a great binding agent, thus why it is used in Mouthwash so much then I found  - Cheap Ways to Make Your House Smell Good on eHow (Click to see original post)

What you need
1/2 Cup Vodka (the cheap stuff works fine - this bottle was $6)
1/2 Cup Distilled Water
Essential Oils - I used
    3 Drops of Lemon
    3 Drops of Orange
    3 Drops of Grapefruit

I call this spray my Orgasmic Citric Happiness!!!

This is by far the BEST Room Freshener I have EVER Used!!!!

I can't wait to try different blends of Oils :) :)

Enjoy!!! :) :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

DIY Doggy Spray

There are times that my wallet just does not have the money to take our Dog (Ein) to the Doggy Spa and I am not in good enough health to be able to bathe her. She is a perfect girl for them, but for me trying to give her a bath is like competing in a multi sport event - Swimming, running, weight lifting, and a unique game of tag mixed with hide and seek

I have been doing a lot of research about oils and all the amazing ways to use them

Of the oils I did not know much about was Purification
It smells amazing, but really not sure how to use it

I found great information directly from the Young Living Website Purification

I think of of my favorite lines is the last :)
And Perfect for the days my Ein does not smell like the Princess she is :)

So I made what I call Doggy Spray

I filled the spray bottle with Distilled Water
10 Drops of Purification
5 Drops of Lavender
Screwed the top back on and shook the heck out of it :)

Sprayed it on her and - WOW THE RESULTS ARE SO PERFECT
She smells like the Princess she is :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

DIY Model Dough

Today - It is all about dough, yet again :)
I really have had a ton of fun this week playing with dough and with the different kinds was even more fun :)

The cloud dough, I did not know how it was going to turn out or what I was really going to think about it, turns out, so very relaxing, love the texture and adding the lavender so much more relaxing to play with!!

The Play Dough, LOVE it!!! I loved playing with my kids, but hate how much it was, and did not like the salt dough recipes that I tried before. This stuff rocks!  Love the feel and smell :)

Today Model Dough :)

Again this stuff is fantastic and so easy to make!!!
I was looking for a more "adult" dough, something that I could make into things, like diffusers
And something that would dry "pretty"

I found this recipe on line - it fit my criteria
Used things around the house, was easy and inexpensive
Though it does take longer to "cook" then the Play Dough did ;)

Here is the link to the original post  Model Clay

2 Cups Baking Soda
1 Cup Corn Starch
1 1/2 Cups Water

Mix together in a pot, once mixed turn on the heat to Medium High
Continue to Stir - Mixture will start to get bubbly - Then start to Clump together
(Keep stirring the entire time)
Once it starts to clump watch it closely - Once it is mash potato consistency
Remove from heat and transfer to a large plastic bowl - cover with a wet rag
Once cooled it is ready to be played with :)

Store in an air tight container :)

Once you have it shaped as you want - you can leave it out to dry - it will dry a porcelain color and can be painted

I wanted a small stand up diffuser for my side table so I found this small frame at my local ceramic's store and then I filled it with the model clay and stamped it :)

Once dried I added a few drops of Valor (thus the blueish tint)
I am thrilled with the results!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

DIY Play Dough

I thinking about dedicating this weeks posts to "Play Dough"

I loved the cloud dough and how truly relaxing it is to play with, then that made me think of playing with play dough with my sons, and how much I loved doing that, but HATED the smell.

Again, I Love Pinterest :) I found a great pin and made some
Here is a link to the Post I Found Play Dough

Here is what you need
1 Cup Water
1 Cup Four
1/4 Cup Salt
2 Tablespoons Cream of Tartar
1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil

Mix all the ingredients together in a pot, once mixed Keep stirring and turn on heat to Medium
Keep Stirring - It will start to thicken and clump up once it is no longer sticky remove from heat :)
Place on Waxed paper and let cool
Once cooled make a well in the center
 Add color - It is Play Dough it has to have color :) -I used Leaf Green - Gel Food Coloring
AND drop about 6 drops of essential oil
(you might want to add a few drops more once you have it mixed if you need/want to)

Store in an Air Tight Container

Bonus This stuff smells so much better, even without the oils !!!

I like using the calming smells, to be able to calm down while playing with something, but it is play dough and is meant to have a happy exciting feeling when playing with it so I went with spearmint - I really love Minty Smells :)

I have to say this week has been so much fun, so relaxing while still having fun and reliving happy moments from my and my children's childhood -- My husband has been laughing at me all the while having fun playing with it all as well :)

Friday's post will be on Model Clay - this really has been a fun week!!
I really hope you have been having fun as well!!  If not now, come back and look again later :)

I did not know which picture I liked more, so you get both :) So much fun to play with!!! Enjoy!!!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

DIY Cloud Dough

I love to find ways to relax, one of my favorites, On a Beach :)
Well I live nowhere near a beach!!
One of the things I love the most about a beach, running my finders through the sand, and how calming that was :)  Sadly I do not have little kids to buy a sand box for and it would be kind of odd to just sit out there by myself, although I would :)

So..... While on Pinterest a few months ago, I found a pin for Calming Lavender Cloud Dough
Loved the idea - Cloud Dough, it just sounds relaxing, add Lavender oh heck yeah!!!!!!!!


Here is the link to the original Blog Post Calming Lavender Cloud Dough

I of course made a smaller batch

2 Cups of Four
1/4 Cup Oil 
3 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Okay this stuff rocks!!!!
Extremely Relaxing, to me it is like a Zen Garden, instead of rakes I use my hands to play with the "sand"
You can form it into anything and then reform it or just crumble it down back in to the "sand"
It feels so good, like out on the beach as it goes between my finders :)
It reminds me of beach sand without the abrasiveness, and not to wet not to dry, just perfect for playing with!!!

Love this!!!!  I no longer need a huge sand box, this little bit of Cloud Dough gives me hours of happiness in a little container :) 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Easiest DIY Car Air Freshener

I found the cutest tiara at a local craft store

It has a felt front and a painted wood back
It was only 99 Cents  :)

So I picked it up and started thinking, what can I do with this??

The first thing I thought of - A Perfect Air Freshener for my car :)

I put a drop of Citrus Fresh on each one of the "stones"

This will last about 2 weeks before it needs to be refreshed :)

You can add a clip to the back, but I have it sitting in the cell phone holder in my car

Thursday, March 20, 2014

DIY Hand Sanitizing Spray

The last post tells you how to make AMAZING Hand Sanitizing Gell and as I said in that post I made 2 different kinds the Gell and a Spray Hand Sanatizer, I was curious to see which one I liked better, and as I said then and I will say again I LOVED THEM BOTH so much!!!!

So today - How to make the most wonderful, fantastic, easy, great feeling Spray Hand Sanitizer :)

1 Tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel
3 Tablespoons Which Hazel 
6 Drops Thieves Essential Oil

Pour all the ingredients into your small spray bottle - Again I used a glass bottle :)
Shake, Shake, Shake - Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake your bottle :)

Spray as desired

When my husband tried it, his first comment - This one smells like Christmas too, I like it, it feels good.

I love Thieves, and think the story behind it pretty interesting - This is from the Young Living Page
 Thieves® was created based on research about four thieves in France who covered themselves with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing plague victims. This proprietary essential oil blend was university tested for its cleansing abilities. It is highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health.* Young Living Thieves Information Page

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

DIY Hand Sanitizer Gel

I made 2 different kinds of hand sanitizers, one was a gel and the other a spray
I wanted to see which one I liked more
Turns out I LOVE THEM BOTH!!!

Today - How to make the fantastically wonderful Gel Hand Sanitizer :)

You will need
3 Tablespoons of Aloe Vera Gel
2 Tablespoons of Distilled water
6 drops of Thieves Essential oil

So simple pour all of the above into a glass jar
Shake well - Shake some more, and shake some more :)

Use as needed :)

My husband says it smells like Christmas - I love Christmas time -- Works for me :)

I used a glass jar that had a dropper.
You can use a plastic bottle but make sure it is a high quality plastic.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

I used lavender yo help my bruise :)

I really want this blog to be fun and informative, and I was thinking that each post would be something to make to pamper yourself or your home, but after what just happened, I decided that using Essential Oils Neat (straight, no dilution) can do so many amazing things, and need to be shared as well :)

Saturday night, my migraine was out of control, and no matter what we tried it just kept getting worse.
I am all for alternative medicine, but their comes a time when going to the hospital is my only option. Saturday night was one of those times, and it became so bad so fast that an ambulance had to be called.

When I am in this much pain, my entire body reacts, including my veins.

I really hate going to the hospital - for so many reasons, and one of them is because they always seem to need to stick my so many times by the next morning I look like I am a victim of some sort of  attack and always worry about going out, and what people think about all my bruises.

Saturday night was no different, between the guys in the ambulance sticking me 3 times, and the hospital another 4, I had no doubt that my hands and arms were going to be covered.

When I got home a few hours later, my first thought was honestly, I need to do try something, this was going to be so bad in the morning.

I had read a few times that lavender was great for bruises, but would it really work was all I could think. I could feel the bumps forming and see some purple already. Well what would it hurt, bonus the smell is very relaxing, and right at that moment I could use a relaxing moment :)

I put my finger over the hole and tipped the bottle over, then applied the oil to the bruised area, and repeated that step for each area. Rubbing it in each time.

I really should stop being so shocked when my oils do exactly what everyone says they will do.
I woke up Sunday morning and the only purple I saw was extremely light in one location, the one that I am sure would have turned into a hematoma, the other 6 are purple free :)
There are 2 bumps (one the light purple) the other on my hand - the bump is there but it is bruise free :)

The only word is Elation :)

Different brands of work differently and I only use Young Living, I have not experimented using other brands on my bruises, to be honest I really never thought it would work, I am so grateful I was proved wrong yet again.