Sunday, March 16, 2014

I used lavender yo help my bruise :)

I really want this blog to be fun and informative, and I was thinking that each post would be something to make to pamper yourself or your home, but after what just happened, I decided that using Essential Oils Neat (straight, no dilution) can do so many amazing things, and need to be shared as well :)

Saturday night, my migraine was out of control, and no matter what we tried it just kept getting worse.
I am all for alternative medicine, but their comes a time when going to the hospital is my only option. Saturday night was one of those times, and it became so bad so fast that an ambulance had to be called.

When I am in this much pain, my entire body reacts, including my veins.

I really hate going to the hospital - for so many reasons, and one of them is because they always seem to need to stick my so many times by the next morning I look like I am a victim of some sort of  attack and always worry about going out, and what people think about all my bruises.

Saturday night was no different, between the guys in the ambulance sticking me 3 times, and the hospital another 4, I had no doubt that my hands and arms were going to be covered.

When I got home a few hours later, my first thought was honestly, I need to do try something, this was going to be so bad in the morning.

I had read a few times that lavender was great for bruises, but would it really work was all I could think. I could feel the bumps forming and see some purple already. Well what would it hurt, bonus the smell is very relaxing, and right at that moment I could use a relaxing moment :)

I put my finger over the hole and tipped the bottle over, then applied the oil to the bruised area, and repeated that step for each area. Rubbing it in each time.

I really should stop being so shocked when my oils do exactly what everyone says they will do.
I woke up Sunday morning and the only purple I saw was extremely light in one location, the one that I am sure would have turned into a hematoma, the other 6 are purple free :)
There are 2 bumps (one the light purple) the other on my hand - the bump is there but it is bruise free :)

The only word is Elation :)

Different brands of work differently and I only use Young Living, I have not experimented using other brands on my bruises, to be honest I really never thought it would work, I am so grateful I was proved wrong yet again.

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