Thursday, July 31, 2014


 Here is the last of the New Food Items that were released at convention
Einhorn Spaghetti 

The box says this serves 4
Not really sure how I felt about that - it did not seem like there was much in there
The picture is of Half of the cooked pasta
The bowl is on the smaller side and you can see it looks like the perfect amount for a serving
LET ME Tell you
I could not eat it all, it is SO FILLING!!!
My husband had the same amount and did eat it all and said it was the first time he felt so full on one bowl of spaghetti :) 
(though I think it still is more like a 3 serving box at most)

Again I felt full but did not have that heavy "sick" feeling
It tastes amazing!!!

I used garlic oil in the water to boiling and a pinch of salt
I did not need to add pasta sauce, but my husband is a traditionalist and said it is not spaghetti if it does not have sauce :)  


This post is about a Young Living Product - Just released at Convention
Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix

I was able to get a taste of the pancakes when I tried the Syrup

It had such an amazing taste and different from the cheap pancake mix I normally use
I had to have some :)

When I got it I saw the coolest thing on the side, a recipe for CREPES!!!!
Yep that is what I was making First!!!!!

So Saturday morning, guess what I made ;)

The only deviation for the recipe was that I added 1/4 cup of club soda
You do not have to they will be fantastic either way
The reason I added the club soda was to thin it out just a bit - I have had crepes made by a European for years and they are so thin and so yummy, I wanted to stay with a thinner crepe

As I said the recipe for crepes is on the side of the box and super easy to follow
As I finished each crepe I would put stack them on a plate, they stay warm and wonderful :)

For the fillings I had a verity
Chocolate Spread
Fresh Strawberries with a hint of sugar
Carmel Apple pieces
And a unique but so yummy filling
Cottage cheese with vanilla and sugar

I did not do a good job with the whip cream looking pretty in this picture
But it was my plate and I just wanted to dive in!
The plate I made for my husband was much prettier :)

These were absolutely wonderful, they are so good and had such a great flavor

My husband and I talked about how light they were but still so filling.
We feel full, and so good, and light (I know that might sound odd)
We felt ready to take on the day :) 
Such a great way to start a busy weekend

YEP  I will be making these again and often!!!!

As a side note :)
When I use vanilla - I only use Vanilla Bean Paste - you can find it in most grocery stores
The reason for the Vanilla Bean Paste is the flavor is nothing that a artificial flavoring can touch and the tinny beans in it add an even heightened flavor 
(you will see it in the far corner of the picture with all the ingredients - I figured if it got in the picture I should talk about it as well)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Diffuse with Style Another Way :)

Palm Palms
This is a great way to wear your oil, but this way allows you to blend then much easier, and with a bit of fun thrown in :)

Lets start with an easy way to work with Palm Palms
Just drop a drop of your favorite scent on one and put it in a Locket
(found this bird cage - Can it be more perfect - I did have to cut a few "bars" off the back)
You are good to go!!!

BUT if you would like to have a little Fun or Need to have a few scents with you this is a great way to do it!

Before I go further - If you do not have to say if you do not have a good Reference Guide please go find one, they are fantastic to refer to and make life so much easier!  
Being new to Young Living oils, I honestly have 3 - the one I use the most Is the -
2013 Edition of  The Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley
Page 22 of this guide talks specificly about the - Art of Blending
When using more then one oil at a time - It is all about Training and Experimentation
(I am all about experimenting - For me it has been the best way to learn and really understand what I was reading)

When Experimenting - Which is what I will be talking about the most, since it is what I do :)
Things to look for in an oil - is
How strong is the scent - how much will it over power another oil
Does the Oil enhance another (again Reference books are great at finding compatible oils)
What is the oil used for, and will that complement what you are trying to use it for
Do you need to add another oil to balance the ones you really want to use

That being said - I love Experimenting!!! Sometimes it is just all about what I want and I really don't think about all the things I am suppose to, and other times I disagree with what they say is good together and do things my own way anyway ;)

Here is today's "recipe"
Today - I am all about Citrus :)
I did  few palm palms each with a different Citrus Oil
Put them all in my Cage and Smiled all day :)
There are
1 with Grapefruit
2 with Citrus Fresh

It is all about you, what you like and what you need! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Difuse with Style

Today - a great way to carry a scent with you while looking fabulous
Using a locket on a necklace :)

I found this locket on sale at +Michaels Stores  plus I had a coupon :)
You can find lockets like these at Craft Stores or Bead Stores - They are priced very reasonably and you can find one that is your style. You can find a lot of these types of locket diffusers for sale on line - places like Esty - But they cost so much more for the exact same thing, plus shipping.
I am an instant gratification kind of girl if I want something I hate waiting for it.

I bought some felt and cut it into circles
Thoughts about using felt - it is a great product to use for essential oil
Just keep in mind a lot of oils are not clear - some have a color to them and will discolor the felt
I stay with darker colors, Dark Blues, Browns and Black is what I tend to see have the lest about of discoloration issues.

The felt squares are extremely inexpensive and you can cut out a lot of diffusing "patches"
Because of that if I wanted to change scents I would just toss the patch I was currently using and add oils to the new one, another idea is to get a few different colors of felt and have a color for each scent.

So simple anyone can do this :)

Cut the felt to the correct size
Put a drop or 2 of the Essential Oil you would like to use on to the felt

Put the felt into the locket
Close the locket ;)

Wear and enjoy :)

When the sent evaporates - you can add a drop or two more to refresh the scent
Or just put in a new patch and a new scent :)  

Recently I have been obsessed with Fennel - I love the Aromatic Influence it provides
"It influences and increases Longevity, Courage, and Purification. It Stimulates sympathetic nervous system activity"  Quoted from Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Defuse with (Re)Purpose :)

Well on top of Using Essential Oils - and Loving every minute of it
I also LOVE Re-purposing things - I love looking at things that people see as garbage and seeing so many other uses for it :)

While my husband was in Tech School he needed the Occupational Patch sewn onto his uniform. I took it to the place on the base that does all the alterations and while there I saw they had a box of rank patches for free. I went home that day and could not stop thinking about them and other ways to use them besides as a patch on a uniform. That night I could not turn my mind off. I went back the next day to ask if I could have a few - a few minutes later they gave me a HUGE bag full of all different patches, every different rank and branches.  

As I have told you all a few of times I have horrible migraines. 
Something that I have found that works, when the pain in mostly in my temples is a Hot/Cold "rice" pack  the only issues I have with the ones sold in stores or made by friends, are they are square and don't get to the temple part of my head very well, that little "divot" where your temple is, to me I feel better when there is a bit of pressure on it, then I find that when I add Peppermint to the "bag" BONUS!!!

With some of the patches I received I made my own Hot/Cold pack - they are So Very Perfect, when you fill them the center/middle is the area that you fill the most, and because of that it sticks out a bit more fitting the temple area perfectly :)

I have also found that if you fill them with cracked corn it smell is much better
(the smell of rice gets to me after a bit, even when adding essential oils, I have found that the cracked corn does a better job all the way around)

The patches I used was Tech Sergent Rank - Blues Uniform Patch
I poured the cracked corn into a small plastic container and added a few drops of Peppermint Essential Oil - I placed the lid back on top and shook it up :)
I sewed two patches together along the Blue out line, and left a small opening in the side to fill with the cracked corn  that had the essential oil soaked in, into the patches, once full I sewed it closed and

TA DA - My Perfect Hot/Cold Pack

When I want it a bit warmer, I put in in the microwave for 30 seconds
When I want it a bit colder, I put it in the freezer for about an hour

Honestly I use it the most at room temp, between the Scent and the Pressure being perfect on my temple I normally don't have to do a thing, but when I do need a bit more, I normally get it hotter :)

When you feel you new need to refresh the scent there are a few ways to do it, you can
Place a few drops in the center of each side of the patch
Place a few drops along the edge of the patch (where you sewed them together)
It you have a dropper or "syringe" I push it through a stitched area and push the oil into the center the best you can (syringe shown in picture)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Migraine Relief Roll On

I am really loving roll ons :)
I am so glad that I was able to get the rollers that go on top of the bottles
I love using them, it makes it so simple when mixing oils :)

I use the 5oz bottles the most they hold around 100 drops of oil and I prefer to use oils neat when I use them straight onto my body instead of dropping the oils on to my hand and rubbing them on - this saves a few steps ;)

I have noticed that when I have some of my migraines, that the muscles in my neck and shoulders seem to tighten up, and even when I would get my migraine pain under control, down my neck and shoulders seemed to still hurt.

I decided to try a concoction :)

40 drops Wintergreen
30 drops Peppermint
30 drops M-Grain 

It is a Hot Roll On and you might need to cut back on each oil by 10 drops and add a carrier oil - you just need to find what works for yoh
I will be honest I love the heat it feels so cool and refreshing after.

I use this roll on - on my Neck, Shoulders, my Temples and my Forehead - Some times I do all the areas at the same time some I just do one or two areas, it just depends on my Migraine, where the pain is and how much pain I am in.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Muscle Pain Relief Roll On

Okay I am see a trend already for this weeks posts ;)

I recently asked my friends to let me know what things they would like me post about, turns out there were quite a few people wanted to know what I use for Muscle Pain Relief :)

It is something my husband complains a lot about, as I have talked about in previous posts, he is in the Air Force and works out a lot! I use him as a Ginny Pig for the Muscle Relief Posts :)

This one not only have I used on Myself, him and a friend of mine - It is LOVED by all :)

This is an Extremely Hot roll on if you do not dilute it!

For this I used a Large Roll On - Bonus to this size roll on it gives you a bit of a massage while you are applying it :)

The Oils I used are
40 Drops Wintergreen
30 Drops Peppermint
30 Drops PanAway
20 Drops Aroma Seiz

Fill the rest of the Bottle with a Carrier Oil - I used Grapeseed

Shake well and enjoy

When you use this - it is hot when you roll it on and starts Cooling not long after :)

Friday, July 11, 2014

After Shave - Who Does not like a smooth shave

Today is Part 3 of this 3 part Series

We started Monday with Pre-Shave Oil
Wednesday I posted about Shaving Cream

Today - After Shave!!!!

This one is the EASIEST of them all :)

2oz Which Hazel
10 Drops Vitamin E
 5 Drops Valor

Pour/drop into Bottle - Shake up and Enjoy

These would make a great Gift, for that special guy in your life
(Yes I know - Sorry it was so long after Father's day)

Or Spoil yourself - Women can use these as well - If it is that the scents are not "girly" Enough change the oils you add to them.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Shaving Cream - Who does not like a smooth shave???

Step One - Per Shave Oil

Step Two - Today's Post Shaving Cream

I found a great blog post and honestly pretty much copied what she did with a few minor twists :)
Shaving Cream


- See more at:


- See more at:


- See more at:

I Did a Half Batch
The Ingredients

2 Tbsp Shea Butter
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil (I use 1/2 more than her's - just feels a bit smoother)
1 Tbsp Avocado Oil
1 Tbsp Grapeseed Oil
10 Drops Lavender

I used the microwave and melted the Shea Butter and Coconut Oil (45 Secs) then added the Avocado Oil and the Grapseed oil - stirred it together and put it in the refrigerator to set

Once it has cooled / set up not completely hard use an electric mixer and start whipping it up
I added

5 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
5 Drops Lemongrass Essential Oil

Whip the oils in

This Cream is not the "consistency" of Shaving Cream - It is great to apply with a Shaving Brush :)

I enjoy!!


- See more at:


- See more at:

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pre Shave Oil - Who Does Not Like a Smooth Shave??

I have a friend who was looking for an all natural alternatives to her husband's shaving regiment

Today we are going to talk about PreShave

You put this on before the shaving cream. The purpose is to provide an extra layer of protection and help the razor glide smoothly over the skin.

I used Grapeseed Oil Seed as my carrier oil for my Recipe because

It offers regenerative and restructuring characteristics that offer quality skin moisturizing.

I also added a few extra drops of Orange, I wanted to have the same amount of Lavender and Orange, Honestly because of the scent, this was more pleasing to my husband and I

Here is my Recipe
2oz Grapeseed Oil
20 Drops Vitamin E Oil
10 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 Drops Orange Essential Oil

Use a dropper full and rub on the beard and neck area -
Again remember this is great as an extra helper before your shave cream, and who does not like a smooth shave :)

Wednesday's Post - Shaving Cream
Friday's Post - After Shave

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Yummy way to use a New Syrup :)

 I know that most of the posts are Brand Neutral (Minus the picture)

Today's Post is about a Young Living Product
A new one they just Released at Convention 

Gary’s True Grit Ningxia Berry Syrup

I was able to sample this at Convention, and yes it tasted great with the pancakes, but all I kept thinking was of so many other ways to enjoy it. Don't get me wrong I LOVE pancakes, but the flavor of this syrup was/is just extrodinary. 

It has a Rich, Sweet, Unique, Berry Flavor, like nothing I have tasted before, and I did not want to Just use it on pancake.

My first thoughts revolved around drinks, and each one I made was even better than I thought it would be, I had no doubt it would be good, great even, these drinks blew my mind - A Blessing for my taste buds, exciting happy new Drinks!!!!

Drink one I did in the Morning
To my glass of milk I added 2 Tablespoons of the Syrup
Think Nestle Quick - Just a Beautiful Light Purple, instead of Bright Pink, and a more Sophisticated Taste. So Good, so Unique such a Great way to start the day!! :)

The Second I did that evening
To a glass of 7Up I added a tablespoon of the Syrup
There is noting to compare this to, it is the most refreshing, most amazing explosion of Happiness a mouth could have. There are a few words that I could use to try to describe this drink, it is tantalizing, delectable, scrumptious, heavenly, I could go on and on, but although these are great words, they just do not do justice to this drink.

I hope you are able to have the chance to enjoy these drinks!

If not I hope more than that, that this helps you open your mind to the possibilities of what things could be, not just what people think it is suppose to be.

The First Drink - Morning Happiness
The Second Drink - Pure Bliss