These past few weeks have been nuts, to put it lightly (Sorry for the lack of posts)
One of my sons had to have brain surgery - the same one I had but, more of a preemptive strike then life saving, he is doing amazing now you could never tell he had surgery (minus the thin scar on the back of his head)
When I found out (he lives with his dad - he would have been in 3 different High Schools if he had stayed with us - due to our moving around with the military - 3 locations in 3 years) I started doing research on what could help with is recovery - It turns out he did not need any help - with in days he was back to normal, just with out headaches :)
While researching how to help him, I also researched things to help me as well
I know it might sound horrible, but I knew, I would need help coping with the entire situation - I was staying with my Ex Husband and his Wife - We had a rocky relationship and I was worried how it would be with us all under one roof.
After learning more and more about oils to help
I came up with this concoction :)
(I used one of my empty oil bottles that I had cleaned out - How to clean out your bottles)
I used
40 drops of Stress Away
30 Drops of Ylang Ylang
20 Drops of Valerian
10 Drops of Vetiver (this is a VERY thick oil it takes a bit to get the drops out)
I put a AromaGlide Roller Fitment on top
Shook it all up and rolled it on the bottom of my feet :)
Not only did it help keep me calm the whole time - It helped me stay relaxed in the hospital,
And keep a happy outlook on everything :) Bonus - I had some really good dreams!!!
I think it is what helped his wife and I become friends :) (Shocking I know)